Interested in what is going on for #Uyghurs? Here I'd like to very briefly summarise the atrocities the Chinese regime is committing against Uyghurs with some photos. Please enjoy with tears.
Here are the brief summary of the atrocities the Chinese regime is committing against Uyghurs with some photos.
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The largest of China's administrative regions, East Turkestan (aka Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region) borders eight countries - Mongolia, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India - and until recently its population was mostly Uyghur.
The largest of China's administrative regions, East Turkestan (aka Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region) borders eight countries - Mongolia, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India - and until recently its population was mostly Uyghur.
The largest of China's administrative regions, East Turkestan (aka Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region) borders eight countries - Mongolia, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India - and until recently its population was mostly Uyghur.
Most Uyghurs are Muslim and Islam is an important part of their life and identity. Their language is related to Turkish, and they regard themselves as culturally and ethnically close to Central Asian nations.

Existed in the mid-1940s (November 12, 1944 – December 22, 1949) and ended through "peacuful liberation" when People's Libreation Army (PLA) marched in.
Existed in the mid-1940s (November 12, 1944 – December 22, 1949) and ended through "peacuful liberation" when People's Libreation Army (PLA) marched in.
Existed in the mid-1940s (November 12, 1944 – December 22, 1949) and ended through "peacuful liberation" when People's Libreation Army (PLA) marched in.

Since then Chinese military settlement (Bingtuan) were spread all over East Turkistan, Han Chinese population grew from 6% to more than 40%,
while Uyghur population decreased from more than 80% to less than 50%.
Bingtuan directly answers to the central government.
Since then Chinese military settlement (Bingtuan) were spread all over East Turkistan, Han Chinese population grew from 6% to more than 40%,
while Uyghur population decreased from more than 80% to less than 50%.
Bingtuan directly answers to the central government.
Since then Chinese military settlement (Bingtuan) were spread all over East Turkistan, Han Chinese population grew from 6% to more than 40%,
while Uyghur population decreased from more than 80% to less than 50%.
Bingtuan directly answers to the central government.

East Turkistan is a resource rich land.
All mining companies belong directly to the central government, with very little benefit for local population. Companies don't hire a single Uyghur or other local people.
GDP per capita is one on lowest region in China.
East Turkistan is a resource rich land.
All mining companies belong directly to the central government, with very little benefit for local population. Companies don't hire a single Uyghur or other local people.
GDP per capita is one on lowest region in China.
East Turkistan is a resource rich land.
All mining companies belong directly to the central government, with very little benefit for local population. Companies don't hire a single Uyghur or other local people.
GDP per capita is one on lowest region in China.

As media are totally controlled by communist party and the justice system only serves the communist party,
Uyghurs expressed their grievances, peacefully or sometimes violently, each time followed by a massacre.
As media are totally controlled by communist party and the justice system only serves the communist party,
Uyghurs expressed their grievances, peacefully or sometimes violently, each time followed by a massacre.
As media are totally controlled by communist party and the justice system only serves the communist party,
Uyghurs expressed their grievances, peacefully or sometimes violently, each time followed by a massacre.
As China struggled to subdue Uyghurs, and the region is strategically key to China's notorious Belt and Road Initiative,
CCP decided a final solution, a human engineering on Uyghurs to totally assimilate them.
More than three millions are put in ConcentrationCamps.
As China struggled to subdue Uyghurs, and the region is strategically key to China's notorious Belt and Road Initiative,
CCP decided a final solution, a human engineering on Uyghurs to totally assimilate them.
More than three millions are put in ConcentrationCamps.
As China struggled to subdue Uyghurs, and the region is strategically key to China's notorious Belt and Road Initiative,
CCP decided a final solution, a human engineering on Uyghurs to totally assimilate them.
More than three millions are put in ConcentrationCamps.

With both parents in the camps, hundreds of thousand of Uyghur children have become "orphans", having been sent to state run orphanages and getting completely Han cultural education.
With both parents in the camps, hundreds of thousand of Uyghur children have become "orphans", having been sent to state run orphanages and getting completely Han cultural education.
With both parents in the camps, hundreds of thousand of Uyghur children have become "orphans", having been sent to state run orphanages and getting completely Han cultural education.

Some directly and some from the camps with forced confessions through torture are being
sent to various prison networks across the country, estimated to be more than a million.
Some directly and some from the camps with forced confessions through torture are being
sent to various prison networks across the country, estimated to be more than a million.
Some directly and some from the camps with forced confessions through torture are being
sent to various prison networks across the country, estimated to be more than a million.

Some from the camps are being transferred to slave labor factories.
In this advertisement: massive number of Uyghurs, age from 16-40, 12 hours,
accept night shift, extra hours, no random quitting, no meal restrictions etc.
Some from the camps are being transferred to slave labor factories.
In this advertisement: massive number of Uyghurs, age from 16-40, 12 hours,
accept night shift, extra hours, no random quitting, no meal restrictions etc.
Some from the camps are being transferred to slave labor factories.
In this advertisement: massive number of Uyghurs, age from 16-40, 12 hours,
accept night shift, extra hours, no random quitting, no meal restrictions etc.
Many prisoners disappear, whose families not being able to reclaim the body.
Halal organ trade is not a secret in China targeting rich Middle East patients.
This is a special lane for human organ transport at the airport.
Many prisoners disappear, whose families not being able to reclaim the body.
Halal organ trade is not a secret in China targeting rich Middle East patients.
This is a special lane for human organ transport at the airport.
Many prisoners disappear, whose families not being able to reclaim the body.
Halal organ trade is not a secret in China targeting rich Middle East patients.
This is a special lane for human organ transport at the airport.

China put many Uyghur intellectuals and public personalities in the camps. Some have come out, Some died, some sentenced to death and some just disappeared. Torture, rape, indoctrination etc are corroborated by several camp survivors' testimonies.
China put many Uyghur intellectuals and public personalities in the camps. Some have come out, Some died, some sentenced to death and some just disappeared. Torture, rape, indoctrination etc are corroborated by several camp survivors' testimonies.
China put many Uyghur intellectuals and public personalities in the camps. Some have come out, Some died, some sentenced to death and some just disappeared. Torture, rape, indoctrination etc are corroborated by several camp survivors' testimonies.

Hundreds of mosques have been razed, most of the people are prohibited to participate in any kind of religious activities including praying and fasting.
Some remaining mosques have been Sinicized, adorned with Chinese flags showing loyalty to the communist party. Religious books were burnt.
Hundreds of mosques have been razed, most of the people are prohibited to participate in any kind of religious activities including praying and fasting.
Some remaining mosques have been Sinicized, adorned with Chinese flags showing loyalty to the communist party. Religious books were burnt
Hundreds of mosques have been razed, most of the people are prohibited to participate in any kind of religious activities including praying and fasting.
Some remaining mosques have been Sinicized, adorned with Chinese flags showing loyalty to the communist party.
Religious books were burnt

Uyghur language is banned at schools and children are forced to learn Han culture.
Uyghur language is banned at schools and children are forced to learn Han culture.
Uyghur language is banned at schools and children are forced to learn Han culture.

The whole East Turkistan has become an open air prison. Surveillances and checkpoints are everywhere. Good credit points are needed to travel. Phones are forced to be installed with spy apps.
The whole East Turkistan has become an open air prison. Surveillances and checkpoints are everywhere. Good credit points are needed to travel. Phones are forced to be installed with spy apps.
The whole East Turkistan has become an open air prison. Surveillances and checkpoints are everywhere. Good credit points are needed to travel. Phones are forced to be installed with spy apps.
The most ridiculous is that millions of Han cadres are staying at Uyghur homes to spy on their every move. The sanctity of a family privacy is thus violated.
The most ridiculous is that millions of Han cadres are staying at Uyghur homes to spy on their every move. The sanctity of a family privacy is thus violated.
The most ridiculous is that millions of Han cadres are staying at Uyghur homes to spy on their every move. The sanctity of a family privacy is thus violated.

Uyghur girls are being forced to marry Hans, getting threatened with internment camps otherwise. It's become an incentive to move more Hans to the region.
Uyghur girls are being forced to marry Hans, getting threatened with internment camps otherwise. It's become an incentive to move more Hans to the region.
Uyghur girls are being forced to marry Hans, getting threatened with internment camps otherwise. It's become an incentive to move more Hans to the region.

Forced sterilisation and late stage abortions targeting Uyghurs are well documented from Chinese own official documents.
Forced sterilisation and late stage abortions targeting Uyghurs are well documented from Chinese own official documents.
Forced sterilisation and late stage abortions targeting Uyghurs are well documented from Chinese own official documents.

So a "Never Again" genocide is unfolding. It has nothing to do with Uyghurs being muslims. China isn't only attacking the religion and Uyghur culture, but rather aiming to eliminate the whole Uyghur population from the face of earth, a final solution.